Saturday, 2. June 2007
Location Of Bilderberg Group Meeting ....

Location Of Bilderberg Group Meeting Unveiled

 Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker is 99% certain that the Bilderberg Group meeting, which officially starts tomorrow, is to be held at the Ritz Carlton in Istanbul after the group tried to throw the local media off the scent and lie in claiming the elite confab was to take place 40 miles away in the city of Silivri.
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Giuliani Heckled, Booed By 9/11 Family Members

9/11 family members, firefighters and members of the activist group We Are Change confronted Rudy Giuliani for a second time earlier this week, as the former New York Mayor refused to answer questions about his foreknowledge of the WTC collapse and the desecration of the victim's remains.
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